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Exodus 7:14-24 is a passage rich in meaning, illustrating God’s power, judgment, and the beginning of His deliverance of the Israelites. It challenges the idolatry of Egypt, reveals the consequences of a hardened heart, and sets the stage for the dramatic events that will lead to the Exodus. Through this first plague, God begins to reveal Himself not only to the Israelites but also to the Egyptians as the one true God.


The turning of the Nile into blood is a significant Old Testament event that, when viewed through the lens of Jesus Christ, takes on deeper meaning. It prefigures the judgment and salvation that would be fully realized in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. While the Nile’s blood brought death, Jesus’ blood brings eternal life, establishing a new covenant of grace and redemption for all who believe in Him.


Download Enspirian's music for personal listening, delivered MP3 files. This is a digital download meant for personal listening only.


Information about this track:


Title: The Nile Turned to Blood
Composer: Enspirian
Album: Choirs of Angels Vol. 5
Year: 2024
Length: 40 minutes


Heavenly Music perfect for Prayer, Meditation, Deep Healing, Worship, Bible Study, Rest & Relaxation.


In God, music can be so deep, so profound but yet so simple. This music seeks to inspire, motivate and encourage in all areas of life and especially your walk with God. It aims to spread spiritual truth and the word of God.


God is with you, wherever you wander. You can find strength in His name. You are loved, even on your darkest days. Your faith is more powerful than your fear. You serve an Almighty God.



The Nile Turned to Blood

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